Land Valuer Brisbane

very good  authority so the reason being is that  most brides don’t want to look through   pages of an album in a sample album  they’d rather look fewer bigger pages  fancier album with amazing shots well I  didn’t invent that information that I  didn’t think of that myself this is this  is industry standard information that  I’ve gotten from top photographers as  well as top album makers so there you go  number three let clients know what most  people are doing ok clients

don’t know  what most people order so you got to Land Valuer Brisbane tell them that number four shoot for the  album everybody that sells lots of album  says this I just spent a two days up in  Seattle at a Patrick I’ll get to that in  a moment after I go through everything  I’m going to go through each step by one  by one but the answer is yes yes and no  so we’ll go over that number four shoot  for the album

I spent two days in  Seattle at the wppi Roadshow and jim  garner who was named the top ten wedding  photographer in the world in  by  American photo magazine the  first time they did it so I’m thinking  he’s pretty good said the same thing  shoot for the album click main shot  click click click xn shots click main  shot click click click accent shots  number  use albums as sales hooks what  is a hook a hook is something that  people use to get people to spend more  money albums of sales hooks number   break down your workflow number  know  your costs and profits okay and we went  over cost and pricing and profits last  week but we’ll go over shortly today so  let’s go step one by one number

one  number one always do a spell check hey  Chelsea that okay show more albums  samples in the studio samples at local  vendors shots of your samples on your  site blog Facebook etc okay most  photographers have samples of their  layouts on their websites okay but quiz  do you have actual photos of your  samples like this photo right here on 

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